Sex Trafficking Awareness    

How YOU Can Help: What YOU Can Do to Stop Human Trafficking

You can help educate others that slavery still exists. You can pressure leaders to take stronger action, and provide direct aid to rehabilitation programs.


-refuse to buy goods if you don't know where they are from, make sure your purchases are not allowing traffickers to profit off of slavery.

-support laws that target the slave trade and those who profit from the exploitation of others such as pimps and clients of prostitutes.

-be alert and learn to recognize the signs that indicate that an individual is being held as a slave.

-be willing to report incidents of slavery

-challenge governments who support slavery

-support anti-slavery activists

-become an activist

-create a project to build awareness, raise money to support the anti-slavery movement, or pressure international leaders

You can make a difference, just you, one person, can help end slavery by becoming a determined abolitionist and by being motivated to do whatever you can to combat slavery.